Sunday, October 3, 2010

Less than 3 weeks! oO

Sadly I didn't seem to get too much done this week.  It was my goal to get my robe and helmet done before October.....ya... >.>

I do think I've got my helmet technique down. It's just a matter of sewing it all together (and then the detailing...oh the details...).  First, I did it with my cheap fabric that I made my trial robe out of.  I actually cut up the robe to do it =P

I lay a large piece of fabric over my frame and just kind of tucked and pinned it in place.  From my trial, I've decided it'll be more efficient to make the collar part and the top of the head part out of separate pieces.  There was far too much fabric waste with this method.

All of that hanging fabric you see beneath the high collar will be trimmed and sewn in place.  No fear ;P

I've also been sewing all the parts of the robe together - the sleeve flames, bottom of the robe flames, hanging panels, etc. 

^ This isn't finished.  The trim is just pinned in place.  Underneath the diamond, that section will be the grey colour.

Tomorrow, my day off, will be devoted to the helmet, belt, and perhaps the chest piece if I can get that far.  Everything takes so long =(

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