Sunday, August 25, 2013

Arm armour changes

I did the arm armour (that sounds dumb.. I know) today (minus the gold pieces on the top).  At first I just did bias tape edges, but either I'm not very good at it, or it just didn't work with the shape... maybe both! So ya, I wasn't very happy with it....  (yes, that's my adorable kitty, Kali)

Sooo... I switched it up and attached a corded trim thing along the edges.  Yay trial and error.  It seems that everything I do I make/remake 2-3 times at least =(  Oh well... practice makes perfect!

Tomorrow I'll work on the top gold parts.  I did a rough sketch of it... I'm not totally happy so I'll probably modify it more and figure out what materials to make that part out of =P

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