Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Too Big? (that's what she said?...)

I finished my first arm cape bracer.....

Obviously, it's not painted and so it's a little hard to fully visualize what it'll look like when it's done... but I'm thinking it might be too big/bulky for my scrawny arms =(  I might redo in a lighter material... blah... Thoughts?

And this is my living room.....


As you can see on the floor though, I've been working on the top part of my arm capes.  Today I promised Dan I'd clean up my crap a bit though -_-

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Arm armour changes

I did the arm armour (that sounds dumb.. I know) today (minus the gold pieces on the top).  At first I just did bias tape edges, but either I'm not very good at it, or it just didn't work with the shape... maybe both! So ya, I wasn't very happy with it....  (yes, that's my adorable kitty, Kali)

Sooo... I switched it up and attached a corded trim thing along the edges.  Yay trial and error.  It seems that everything I do I make/remake 2-3 times at least =(  Oh well... practice makes perfect!

Tomorrow I'll work on the top gold parts.  I did a rough sketch of it... I'm not totally happy so I'll probably modify it more and figure out what materials to make that part out of =P

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Collar complete!

So this morning I went to the fabric store and picked up these two atrocious fabrics!

I'm sure the people there were judging me.  I sure was.

but ANYWAYS, I used the slightly less ugly of the two to made ruffles.  Lots and lots of ruffles.  So my day consisted of folding, pinning, folding, pinning, folding, pinning, occasional measuring, folding, pinning, folding, pinning, etc. to do this:

which resulted in this!

Yay!  So, pretty pumped I have another piece finished.  Tomorrow I tackle the helmet again!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

poppin my collar.. sup

My priest t10 helm had a "popped collar" and Maghda has one too as well (sort of)!  Man, I'm cool.

So, today was working on the neckbrace/collar as you can see in these pictures (Note: none of the edges are finished.. i know i know):

I'm super happy with how the neckbrace looks... BUUUT I'm not happy with how the popped collar is connecting and how it sits.

Therefore.... I'M DOING THE WHOLE THING OVER AGAIN.... that's right.. i'm scrapping this all and trying again with a new pattern I just made (neckbrace and collar will be long strips.. not two separate sections). /sigh

Hopefully tomorrow it'll be done.  I'm also going to go to the fabric store and look for the gold accent-y stuff for the frilly edges to the collar.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I really am working, I promise!

So this summer has been CRAZY at work, but I have now begun a much needed 2 weeks off from work that are getting filled with costume work!  I haven't completed a new piece today or tomorrow, but I have been working more on things I've started.

For example, did the primer on my boots:

Also, I think I've figured out how to stabilize my helmet "ears".  Instead of just stuffing which I fear will weight them down too much, I made a slightly smaller foam replica of each side and then will stuff around that to make it more rounded.  I *think* this'll work.  It's all trial and error!

I tried to work on the base of the helm and my initial thought to use stabilizer, but was kinda a bust =( and so I just made it with the normal fabric:

And I found a trim I like with the purple... I ordered decorative nail things off the interwebz for the square goldish things on the "ears" as well. yayz!