Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goodbye Brain Cells =(

So, I've been pretty much working with contact cement all day.  I have such a killer headache as a result =(

Sadly, I didn't get nearly as much accomplished today as I was hoping - this piece took a whole lot longer than expected.  I spent almost all of today working on the collar of the vest - that piece that kind of looks crown-ish but is attached to the jacket collar.

I made the base out of craft foam (see last post's pictures) and also used more foam bits to give it some texture.


I used the contact cement to adhere fabric onto the foam.  The first side worked well since I could just fold over the fabric and glue it (this is where a big time sink is as I had to snip and notch the edges so they could fold over properly).


For the second side, I just cut out a piece that fit it exactly; I just hope the glue holds in the edges from fraying =/  I'll cross that bridge when it comes I guess.


Also, INPUT PLEASE:  I hollowed out the holes on the top of the collar, and I'm thinking of filling in with hot glue to give a translucent-gemlike look (and I need something light for this).  I was thinking of some sort of cellophane, but I thought of doing it this way.  Thoughts?  Does it look okay?  Another option is leaving it entirely empty.  Picture of glued centre and empty centre:



  1. I don't think the non glued center looks bad, but adding the glue does give a more "finished" look. Just my 2 cents...

  2. Does the glue look good though, or do you think something would be better? something that's lightweight and easy?

