Monday, October 10, 2011

Productive Day was Productive

I mostly finished my chestpiece today, with the exception of the detailing work between the tan lines (braiding of leather cording will be added). It's surprisingly non-slutty when I wear it too, so I'm feeling okay about wearing it in public, haha.


I'm also working on finishing the vest (the crown-collar, detailing on the sleeve, and beadwork at the triangle trim pieces). Here's the crown shape. I cut it out of foam and I'll be covering this with fabric on the lower sections, and probably painting the top.


I had forgotten how awesome foam is. I cut up a bunch of insulation foam into triangular strips to be covered in a metallic fabric I bought for the detailing on the purple sleeve. I'm thinking I'll also make the headpiece with foam as a base as well (well, the wing/ear things).

Also worked on the belts (yes, plural) today, but the pictures of them aren't very interesting yet ;p

In sad news, I feel a doozey of a cold coming on. It hurts to swallow =( I hate how I get sick in these last stretches. The lack of sleep has nothing to do with it >.> So, tonight I'll make sure to get a good night sleep. /sigh

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