Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thank goodness for Cutco Shears

In my continuous fabric hunt to find something, anything, better than the crappy vinyl I've been trying to use, I stumbled across this "stretchy-pasticy-I have no clue what this is" stuff and voila, my skirt (sans detailing):


I've also been working on my jacket - added the trim and the extra sleeve the base I made a while ago.  It kind of looks funny now, but I think once I add the detailing (don't ask me yet how... I haven't figured that out yet haha) it'll look good.


I've really got to start thinking about my props (Staff, orb, headpiece).  I ordered something called "wonderflex" at the beginning of last month, but it was on back order and should ship this week.  That'll make the "cuff" parts on my boots, sleeves, maybe part of my headband too.  I really hope it gets here soon... I'll have just a few days with it -_-

p.s. the title is because I didn't want to wreck my fabric scissors on this plastic type fabric and it's frustrating to cut through.  And yes, I did sell cutco for a summer... we shall not discuss that... but I do have freakin awesome knives (and scissors!) as a result ^_^d

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