Monday, September 16, 2013

Boooo RL getting in the way of crafting

So today my goal was to get my headpiece completed (in line with my calendar goals).  I usually work Tues-Sat, but this week was a Mon-Fri week.... buuuut I didn't realize that until a text arrived from a coworker at 9:40am asking where I was.  Oops!  There goes my helmet completion deadline =(

I did work quite a bit on the "horns" this weekend though.  Mapping out square-ish shapes on curved horns is more difficult than it seems.  I pinned on the shapes and practiced my tetris skills in the process:

I then created horns to go in these horns made of cotton batting to kind of give it a bit of poofiness.  I sewed between all the shapes.  Sadly my sewing machine could only really do the bottom couple rows and the rest was hand sewing.  Hence each one taking like 5 hours.... -_-

I attached that black trim I used on the arm pieces to the sewing lines and next is making the pink pointy parts and painting the square gems that go in each of the segments.  Wow.. this sounds confusing when I try to explain it.. oh well -_-

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