Saturday, March 30, 2013

Corset making continued....

My goodness what a long process.  I got the steel boning in the mail and so started the work of sewing boning channels (picture below).  These will be where the metal rod thingies go in.  It's a terribly precise process that if i deviate a few milometers I have to redo it =/

I sewed the waist tape in and I'm now in the process of sewing the lining of the corset to the outer layers (yes, plural).  I'm only taking a break because I'm going bugeyed looking at the seam lines.  Man... so much pinning and sewing.  Each of those seams below gets pinned to the lining area before they're sewn.  I'm doing one at a time though...

When this is done, I still need to attach the eyelets (holes where it gets laced up at the back)  and do the top and bottom edging.  The eyelet part scares me the most because there's no fixing errors here.  I'll be making holes in the back... irreversable =/  Not like sewing where at lease I can take out stitching (as tedious as it is).  Anyways.. back to sewing >.<

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