Friday, August 27, 2010

Levelling Jewelcrafting, IRL (sorta)

While in the dollar store today looking for cheap LED lights, I stumbled across some flexible, translucent/smokey, plastic binders, and thought to myself, "Self, THOSE WOULD BE AWESOME FOR MY SHOULDER GLOWY PARTS!!!!"

So, today I  learned how to jewelcraft, in real life.  Who says what you learn in WoW doesn't help you in the real world >.>

After fiddling with paper and a trial one, I got the shape I wanted!  I think I at least made it to 30/450

I bore a hole through my shoulders for the light to be inserted underneath, as you can see in the resulting above image.  Also, I'll be lining the inside of that with slightly crumpled tin foil to diffuse the light a bit and make it more glowy, and less spotlighty.

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