Thursday, October 6, 2011

can i haz superman cape?

Tonight I worked on my cape, which was pretty terrifying to be honest.  I had just enough fabric to do this, so if I screwed up... well, I'd be screwed.  You'd think it'd be easy - just wrap fabric around your waist, but fabric does this funny thing when you do anything with it but make it flat and all of a sudden you have to account for all these strange curves and whatnot.  So, I did it in 3 pieces, with the length of the bottom 3 times that of the top so it'd get the flowy affect, and just not the towel-around-you look.



Yes, I know the concept art is more orangy than this, but I could not for the life of me find fabric I liked that was the right colour.  This may be too red/dark, but it has a fantastic finish that is shiny and distressed all at once.  So, I'll settle with a less than perfect colour.

Here's  the jacket with it... Sorry, it was getting tricky holding the cape and wearing it all.  The cape will attach to a belt soon =)


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