Monday, October 3, 2011

Vinyl sucks... unless it's formed into records

I spent today working on the chestpiece, for lack of a better word.  I bought some brown vinyl (think the stuff used to upholster kitchen chairs.. sometimes) a couple weeks ago from walmart because it was 8 dollars for 2 metres thinking it had kind of a faux-leather look to it and would be good for the skit and chest piece.  I tried to make both the skirt and the lower half of the chestpiece but the stuff just doesn;t move.  The skirt was stiff, looked awkward, and just didn't move as I moved. So, I picked up assorted leather scraps and some random other fabric so between all of that, hopefully I can find something that works!

So, that being said, here's the "progress" I made tonight, which is really just a whole lot of experimenting.  That seemed to be half my efforts last year, if you'll recall ;)  I picked up a front closing bra that I'll modify into the shirt thing.  I covered the cup with painters tape to make my pattern from what I need to cut.  I also added a couple inches to the top and inside in efforts to be a tad more modest/a tad less slutty.


In the next picture, you can see how I was experimenting with how different fabrics used.  The black stuff is some scrap leather just to see how that looked (I didn't want to mess up with the limited brown stuff I have) and the brown fabric is a fake suade.  I like the suade, but it's a bit soft and doesn't hold its shape well in the areas higher than the bra (although, I didn't try it on yet... there are pins jabbed through it holding the fabric in place while I fiddle)


In the concept art, there is definitely some sort of design/pattern on the cups... kind of spirally too?  So I tried making a pattern for that, but it just kind of looked ridiculous and like there was a target on the boob.  I also tried randomly putting on layers of leather and fabric, but it just kind of looked weird too, so I'm giving up on that for tonight.

Instead I tried working on the stuff in the torso region.  You can kind of see what I'm working towards here.  I'm attempting to still use the vinyl because it was cheap and I have a bunch of it, but doing it in strips so hopefully it's more moveable when I'm wearing it.


It's obviously not going to be that shape, but you can see the layering concept I'm trying to go with, and what the detailing will look like (the X-stitches on the scrap).  That will be within the layers.

Oh, and also.. here's my wig!!!  So fun.  I kind of want to wear it all the time.. but that'd be weird -_-


1 comment:

  1. Wear the wig out shopping! Because it is awesome
