Thursday, October 14, 2010

Staff Carving

I've spent the last couple nights carving my staff (last night on the bottom, tonight on the top).

Here are some progress pics!

As you can see, a lot gets hacked off (albeit the top does have more to it than the bottom though) =P

And makes a ton of mess!

But after all that, here's the bottom half:

And the top half:

The next step will be to cover both with paper mache to make it hard, and fill in any detail work I wasn't able to carve with paperclay.  Then I'll cover the whole thing with gesso (canvas priming paint) and then sand it to make the surface paintable.

So ya....still tons of work ahead, but I think it'll look good!

As for my helmet....I'm not happy with how it's working... we'll see if I'll /showhelm or not.  Also, my tusks and ears haven't shown up so that's determining if I need to make the rest of my troll parts or not =(

In other news, I'm missing 4.0.1 stuff because of my costume =(

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