Saturday, September 25, 2010

Details, details, details...

You're probably wondering why I posted a picture of a random snowman figurine on my costume blog.  Well, I have a point to that (bear with me).  I painted this a few years ago during Christmas break.  My sister-in-law and myself each got one of these to paint over the holidays.  Mine was smaller and generally had less stuff to paint (hers was a cartooney Christmas tree with a bunch of ornaments on it, presents under it, and children beside it).  Despite mine being less complicated, for whatever reason, it took me over a week to do, and she was done hers in about 2 days.  Don't get me wrong, hers looked great, but I seem to be obsessed with details in crafting projects.  I'm too meticulous for my own good sometimes.  Every coloured area is multi-toned (with shades I mixed myself of sense buying more paint than needed), my snow has blueish shadowing, there are reflective dots in the eyes, etc.

It was then pointed out to me "lovingly" that although when you look closely at mine verses a similar store-bought (ie mass produced) ornament you can see the different in quality, from a distance there really isn't much difference >.<

I seem to be doing the same with my costume.  I've been working on the "hanging down" parts (the marroon thing with the gold diamonds on the bottom) and I've made the task take about 3 times longer than it could if I wasn't so anal.  In the game there is a thin greyish edging around all of these parts, so although it would be infinitely easier just to make the parts maroon (1 or 2 seams depending how I went about it) and take creative liberties, I can't bring myself to take the easy way out =(  So now, each small hanging down part takes 2 marroon pieces and 2 grey pieces (cut on the bias so it can curve a bit when needed) which adds up to 4 seams.  So, double (or more) sewing and cutting.....WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?!?!?!?!?!?

Here's the result though, after scrapping the first trial because it was 1/2 an inch too thin >.>

The hanging parts are now completed, with the exception of the large central diamond.  I'm now working on the sleeve accents, which are similar to the sides of the bottom of the robe (which too will be stuffed, huzzah).

I declined an ICC10 for my deathknight because of costuming!!!  I think I've found the cure to WoW addiction, at least for myself =P

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