Friday, September 24, 2010

Ears and Tusks

Blizzcon is less than a month away so I realized I really have to get on the ball with anything I need to order online.  So, I've ordered these teeth/tusks from Maskworld in Germany (they said it'll take 2 weeks to get here):

I realize these are technically orc teeth, but the tusks on the troll teeth were way too large for me.  Moldy has little tusks =P

These are the ears I want, but they're out of stock:

I got a reply email from them about these and they said they probably won't have more stock until end of October =(  I guess I'll either buy blood elf or night elf ears and figure out how to paint them, or I'll make some of my own (how hard can it be, right? lol).  They don't have to actually go on my ears, they just need to attach to my helmet and be light enough to not droop =P

I also need to figure out my makeup situation.  I've read on cosplay forums and stuff that Kryolan is the company to go with.  The last thing I'd want would be for my makeup to smudge off onto my costume or fade off by the end of the day.  I'm hoping to find somewhere in the city that just sells it, ideally with knowledgeable staff I can direct questions to as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!! I'm doing a Troll in Casual costume for GenCon this summer, and I'm dying to know what website you found those ears on? I also chose those same tusks as you did!
