Saturday, September 11, 2010

oooooh 3D!!!! I'm high-tech, yo

I've begun the detailing on my robe.  Since the last pictures I posted, I've taken it in quite a bit so it actually fits around my waist and hips and doesn't make me look 30 pounds heavier =P  I also took off a good couple feet of fabric around the circumference of the skirt part so the detailing won't get lost in the folds.  I think it's now more true to the actual priest robe.

I'm starting with the accents on the bottom sides of the robe.  To give you a reminder, here's my robe pictures again:

In the third picture you can see the clearest.  To get better models to copy, I've been using WoW Model Viewer though, but I'm too lazy to post screenshots I've been using.  I started by patterning out the shapes with paper, like what I've already done with the front panels.

My first piece sewing on was quite the learning experience.  I learned a lot about what my sewing machine can and cannot do in terms of satin stitching and length of stitches.  I used an entire spool of thread getting this piece on -_- but future pieces went smoother, thank goodness.  Oh, this piece by itself also reminds me of something I'd see in Star Trek, although I can't exactly place it...

I stuffed each of the pieces to give it a three dimensional type look.  I know it's not dead obvious from the game models that these parts protrude, but with all the shading it the gold, I think it's implied.  Plus.... it's way cooler >.>

It's not attached yet, but ya...that gives an idea of how it'll look.  The reason it's not attached is because I'm trying to make my own bias taping (because I didn't like any of the colours available) for all the edging details in the robe and I'm having a bloody hard time with that.  This is the supposed process to make the bias tape in question, but the fabric I have doesn't like to stay pressed with this small of an amount =(

That's already after doesn't want to stay flat, and it kind of needs to.  I'm going to have to explore different options and do a bit of troubleshooting (story of my life with this costume).

Sorry updates are getting more sporadic.  Work started back this past week and I've been having trouble finding time to work on the costume, much less post updates.  As it is, I'm gone Sun-Tues and then Fri-Sun next week for work too, so my next update will either be mid week, or not until after next weekend. =(

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