Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Helm frustrations continued

Still was fiddling with helmet today, although I didn't get as much progress as I was hoping.  Today ended up being a haircut and errand day, but on a bright note the purple fabric I ordered came in - huzzah!

I'm experimenting with my paper mached pieces of the top of the helm. I used poster board to give the helmet more of the desired shape

and then used more poster board to attach the two pieces.  Terribly annoying since I had to hold them at funny angles while the white school glue dried.  Tomorrow morning I'll re paper mache the whole thing - let it dry and then cover with paper clay (like what I did with the shoulders to smooth it out and prep for painting).  This is the plan, unless I decide I hate the whole thing and want to scrap it and start over.

I put it on my sits a little high.  I'm not sure what to do about that.... Once I paper mache the whole thing and hold up my shoulders with it I'll decide I guess =/

p.s. Yes, I know it looks like crap right now.  This is all part of the construction process =P

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